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Defining the Issues and the Need

The U.S. faces a significant shortage of rural and food-systems veterinarians, threatening agricultural livelihoods, rural economic growth, disease control, animal health and public health. Farm Journal Foundation proposes a systems solution approach to address this critical issue and drive measurable impact towards building an adequate, sustainable, and inclusive pipeline of food-animal veterinary professionals to lead and support our dynamic food value chain.

Building upon the success of our coalition work over the past two years, Farm Journal Foundation will:
  • Scale the reach and impact of successful pilots to increase the percentages of undergraduate students, veterinary students and early career veterinary professionals who choose this career path

  • Leverage the knowledge of a curated and growing number of multi-stakeholder leaders who are committed to our Veterinary Solutions Mapping Coalition

  • Educate national-level policymakers about opportunities for positive systemic change to support the veterinary profession, through our successful Veterinary Ambassadors Program

Data & Impact of the Shortage


USDA, NIFA Shortage Areas Map


USDA, NIFA Annual Reports


2023 Veterinary Starting Salaries, Education Debt, and Mentorship


The Economic Cost of Burnout in Veterinary Medicine

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